How to spend 30 minutes wisely next week

  27 January 2019

Next Thursday we run the latest of our quarterly live briefings and I would recommend any dealer, franchised or independent, to register and listen to our panel of speakers.

I have joined them all since joining the Auto Retail Network editorial team a year or so ago and without fail have found them informative and I know from feedback that other dealers value them if only because of the reassurance from hearing that others in the trade are doing much the same as they are!

This time around we have David Smyth, director of the family-run Swansway Motor Group representing the retail side, Daniel Gregorious, head of sales at MG Motor UK and Catherine Faiers, operations director at Auto Trader. Three people who daily work at the coal face of our industry, whose businesses have been and are doing well in a difficult climate and who between them have a lot of relevant experience they are happy to share.

The briefing aims to share best practice and this time we are looking at a quick recap of 2018 as a whole and Q4 before turning to this year generally; are there any legacy issues rumbling on from WLTP, what are the stimuli buyers are responding to and for MG, 2018 was a record year so how will that be continued in 2019?

Narrowing the focus, our panel will be asked for their predictions for this first quarter, how will retailers hit targets and are those fair and realistic, what are internet searches looking for and, with the dreaded B-word very much at the forefront, has the economic situation put the brakes on sales. I recently heard the chilling but probably accurate phrase that buyers in pretty much all markets are currently in `suspended animation’ until we know the outcome.

Building on that take on the situation, our speakers will then be asked to discuss what they have been doing and can do about it. David will be put on the spot with the rather direct question ` What tips to you have for maximising orders for the plate-change month?’ and Daniel will be responding to ` How can you overcome the notion of ‘I’ll wait until after Brexit’ ‘ and Catherine asked for her suggestions on how dealers can improve trade-in handling.

In a piece of interaction, viewers will be asked to complete a simple online survey with the question `Compared to last year, in this first quarter will you sell; (a) more cars, (b) the same number of cars, (c) fewer cars?’ and our presenter, Al Clarke, he of SMMT fame, will give the results before the close of the programme.

Register with us and you can watch it on your PC or mobile. It starts at 9am on Thursday February 7 and runs for 30 minutes.

John Swift


Auto Retail Agenda


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