Dont find yourself searching in vain
25 January 2016
Another day, another change to Googles search algorithm. Okay, so thats a mild exaggeration, but its fair to say that the search giant is well known for tweaking the tech that underpins the most important elements of its business. And itll come as no surprise to anyone aware of the importance of search that any change can prove problematic for your own business.
Naturally one of the key goals of presenting your business online is to score a decent search ranking. If your web properties are suddenly falling down the rankings or, heaven forbid, disappearing from page one of any search result, youre going to need to act fast to rectify the issue.
Sadly, its not always a five minute fix – assuming you spot the issue promptly. As with anything Internet-related these days no one passes around a memo detailing such updates. For all the webs polish it can still feel a little like the Wild West at times. Which means investing in top web talent is an essential part of your business. I think weve moved on from having that computer guy in the corner office, but its still easy to underestimate the need for making significant funds available for such expertise when the always on culture and click and collect buying habits are becoming the norm.
Iain Dooley
Editor, Agenda
Auto Retail Network