Fords big idea is a suggestion box
20 April 2010
Ford, in America, has come?up with a new idea – the online suggestion box. Last Tuesday it launched a new section (Ford wants to hear your ideas) on its American website.
Members of the public are invited to put forward ideas on the features they would like to see on future models.
The idea is that the best ideas will land on the desk of Ford decision?makers who may build them into the company’s future line?up. Ford execs said it was a way of keeping connected with their customers and accessing customers’ tastes.
Since the carmaker is offering no reward if ideas are adopted, it is unlikely that much of a technically?advanced nature will be posted there. “If your ideas are confidential, do not submit them to us,” was Ford’s blunt way of putting it.
At best it is a cheap way of conducting marketing research. At worst it is a gimmick allowing the company to tell the world how much it is listening. I remember, here in the UK, a few years back, that Vauxhall did something similar, only more gimmicky. It started courting children for their ideas for the future of the motor car. To my knowledge nothing came of it as the kids were too busy – no doubt developing new?fangled sites like Facebook and Twitter.
If those sites are somewhat of a mystery to you then think about signing?up for Auto Retail Network’s next seminars here: Making Social Media Work for You. They take place in Hungerford and also at East Midland’s Airport.
As for Ford’s attempt to pick the brains of its customers, then I think it will work – especially for all the other carmakers who will be browsing the site daily, looking for that Big Idea.
Have a great week, both in and out of the showroom. If you have a story for us, or wish to get something off your chest, email barry@auto?
Barry Hook